How To Overcome and Avoid Fake Login Hack

Well, today want to share you about "How To Overcome and Avoid Fake Login Hack". I think everyone has known what fake login is. Fake Login is a fake page that's used by hacker to fishing the victims.

How To Avoid Fake Login?
- Don't ever add or approve other people if you have'nt know him yet.
- Don't ever click any strange url, maybe that's fishing
- Always give a good attitude to other friends in facebook.

How To Overcome Fake Login?

To overcome fake login you should use add-ons mozilla anti-fake login, here are four best add-ons to overcome fake login:

Phis Tank SiteChecker
It can be used to blocking all phising sites based on the data Phis Tank Comunity. When you exploring the sites that's suppose as phising site by Phis Tank, that page will not be opened or blocked.

FirePhis is useful to remember you or give the warning alert when you exploring the site that's supposed as phising site or there is a strange cript code.

It can be used to make easier to the user to give a name or logo to a site. So that it make easier to know wheter that's fake site.

It can be used to know whether the site is fake or not, by showing invalid or irrelevan domain information.