10 Best Free Download Application for Blackberry

Blackberry is a wireles mobile phone which has push e-mail service, handphone, short messages, internet facsimile, web browse, and this is very useful for facebook user. The advantageous of Blackberry phone is completed with supported application because blackberry is made from standard platform that can make easier application developer to create another interesting feature.
Free Blackberry Application bellow of course can be more useful for your Blackberry phone.
1. Google Mobile
This application provided free of charge for blackberry users.
Download here
2. MyLocation
MyLocation is a GPS supporting application which can report the location to web server regularly
Download here
3. Opera Mini Browser
Opera mini has a speed in showing page and it has a uniqueness which is located in different color scheme option, it can be useful if you use dark theme.
Download here
4. BBNotepad
BBNotepad has the same function with notepad in Microsoft Windows. BBNotepad is able to open format text files ANSI, UNICODE, UNICODE-BE dan UTF-8.
Download here
5.OANDA FXConverter
OANDA FXConverter is used for currency conversion. OANDA FXConverter just support for 4.0 version or newer.
Download here
6. BlackBerry Quick Pull
This application can help you easily in doing soft reset.
Download here
7. Blackberry Updater
This application is used for updating your Blackberry.
Download here
8. Talk Lock
Talk Lock is an application that is used to lock blackberry screen and it is special for Blackberry storm touch screen.
Download here
9. Bingko
Bingko is a chat application that can be used for Google Talk, MSN, ICQ, Yahoo dan AIM.
Download here
10. Minimoni
This application can be used for monitoring GPRS usage.
Download here

New Facebook Emoticon Facemoods

Well, now orochi-marru.blogspot.com will share you about new version of facebook chat emoticon. The newest facebook chat emoticon named Facemoods. Facemoods is a facebook chat emoticon recent breakthrough. There are two types of this chat application, the first type based on add-ons and the second type based on plugins for internet explore. Express your life with facemoods emoticon for facebook chat.
This application can be downloaded here:
- Facemoods (Ads-on Mozila) click here
- Facemoods (Plugins Internet Explore) click here

Create an Avatar Photo on facebook

What an avatar photo? An avatar photo is a cartoon picture that's describe about you on facebook. How to create this avatar photo on facebook? To create this avatar Just follow these simple steps bellow:
- Go to this url http://www.urfooz.com/fooz-creator or just click here
- Then wait the page load and you will serve 3 steps and complete those steps.

Express your own on facebook..Good Luck..!!

To download avatar you have created just follow these simple steps bellow:

- Login to urfooz.com
- Then, go to your profile
- In menu, select menus post > avatar
- After that, select avatar type and also the size of it
- The last step, Click "Download"

Link Exchange

Link exchange is one of many ways to promote your site or blog. For that reason, now orochi-marru.blogspot.com available you a place for link exchange. I hope by exchange link we not only just promote our site or blog but also we can make a good relationship and share about blogger.

To exchange link program, just follow these instruction bellow:
First, Copy and paste the java script bellow to your blog or site.

With the tittle
 <a href="http://orochi-marru.blogspot.com/" target="new">Facebook : tutorial, hack, tips and tricks</a>

Second, After you have copy the java script above, please confirm and leave your blog url  in comment box here and I'll copy your blog or site link or banner to my blog.

Let's Keep a nice spirit of blogging...!!!Cheers...^_^

Free Download Blacberry Application for Facebook

Well, today orochi-marru.blogspot.com will share you about Blackberry Application for Facebook. This application can be used for facebook who use blackberry phone.
For facebook lover you can download this Blackberry Application here

Texas Holdem Poker Cheat

Well, there are many ways to hack of Texas Holdem Poker Chips. But now I'll give you the simple one about Texas Holdem Poker cheat. Please download the video here and follow the instruction on the video.
Note: This cheat just to show off to your friends so we can't use the chips.

How To Overcome and Avoid Fake Login Hack

Well, orochi-marru.blogspot.com today want to share you about "How To Overcome and Avoid Fake Login Hack". I think everyone has known what fake login is. Fake Login is a fake page that's used by hacker to fishing the victims.

How To Avoid Fake Login?
- Don't ever add or approve other people if you have'nt know him yet.
- Don't ever click any strange url, maybe that's fishing
- Always give a good attitude to other friends in facebook.

How To Overcome Fake Login?

To overcome fake login you should use add-ons mozilla anti-fake login, here are four best add-ons to overcome fake login:

Phis Tank SiteChecker
It can be used to blocking all phising sites based on the data Phis Tank Comunity. When you exploring the sites that's suppose as phising site by Phis Tank, that page will not be opened or blocked.

FirePhis is useful to remember you or give the warning alert when you exploring the site that's supposed as phising site or there is a strange cript code.

It can be used to make easier to the user to give a name or logo to a site. So that it make easier to know wheter that's fake site.

It can be used to know whether the site is fake or not, by showing invalid or irrelevan domain information.

Hacking Facebook

Hi...so long I have not posted article about facebook, well now I want to share you about how to hack facebook by using cookies. What cookies is? cookies is a data that is used by the  user when they are browsing in the web so the password and user name will be saved in computer.

Cookies can be used to hack facebook by stealing the user pasword and also user name, this trick has been used by many people in hacking facebook or to steal user's facebook chip poker.
Some web browser that can be used to hack facebook by using this trick , namely; Mozila Firefox, IE, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera and many other.

Well, next step, how to open cookies in mozila firefox? don't worry that's so simple, just follow these simple steps bellow:
- Open your Mozila Firefox
- Press Alt, T, O
- Take a look on option menu, then select "Security Tab"
- Click "Save Pasword" button
- The user's name and pasword will be saved there
The weaknesses of this hacking trick is we don't know whether the user save or even the user didn't save the cookies, just lucky.

This trick best to do in your friend's laptop, personal PC, internet shop or office PC. why? because most of user usually save the cookies.