Make more interesting facebook status by facebook application "Status symbols"

Well, today I'll tell you a secret of facebook application. Special for today tips I'll tell you to how to make your status be more expressive then others.
This application called "Status symbols" so you can add more expressive symbols when you post something on your wall.
look at the facebook status bellow:
To make your Status more expressive just follow these steps bellow:
- Login to your facebook account
- Open this url -->
- Click "allow" and then you will be redirected to facebook application "Status symbols"and the screen shot will be like this :

- Select some intereting codes or characters to bautify your facebook status by clicking those - codes or characters
- After you have selected the codes, block your codes by pressing Ctrl+A then Ctrl+X.
- Paste the codes you have copied to your facebook status or by pressing Ctrl+V.