Texas Holdem Poker For Beginner

Texas holdem poker online on facebook has attract many facebook user to play it, texas holdem poker is a game that combine poker card on our hand with poker card on the table. Before you play a texas holdem poker game, there are some item that you should know, see the explanation bellow:
Royal Flush
Royal flush is "Straight Flush" the but it is highest card at this game and in series, Royal Flush is a combination of straight and flush. Example, 10-J-Q-K-A

Straight Flush
Straight Flush is poker card that has the different types and it must be in series Example:  10-J-Q-K-A

4 of a Kind
4 of a Kind is the combination of same four card. For Example:  J-J-J-J-2

Full House
Full House is the combination of three and two same card, For Example:  4-4-4-2-2

Flush is the combination of five same card that has the same type but not in series . Foe Example: 9-5-K-Q-8

Straight is the combination of five card in series. For Example: 10-J-Q-K-A

3 of a Kind
3 of a Kind is the combination of three same card. For Example Q-Q-Q-10-4
2-Pairs is the combination of two same card in player hand and there must be two pairs on the table. For Example: Q-Q-5-5-J
Pair (2 of a Kind)
Pair is the combination of two same card. For Example: J-J-2-5-6

High Card
High Card is high card on player hand, High Card as the determination of the game besides those card above.For Example:
10 lost to J (Jack)
J lost to J (Queen)
Q lost to J  K (King)
K lost to J  As and so on

Outlines the sequence of the best cards to the lowest are:
   1. Royal Flush
   2. Straight Flush
   3. 4 of a Kind
   4. Full House
   5. Flush
   6. Straight
   7. 3 of a Kind
   8. 2-Pair
   9. Pair (2 of a Kind)
  10. High Card

Make an Avatar Photo on Facebook

Avatar photo application enable facebook user to describes their personality and also their apperance.
To make an Avatar Photo on facebook, you should visit this url --> http://www.urfooz.com/fooz-creator
To download avatar application, please pay attention to each steps bellow:
- Login to http://www.urfooz.com/fooz-creator
- Go to urfooz profile page
- On the menu, select post > Avatar
- Now, Choose your own Avatar types and also it size.
- Click "Download"

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Free Download "Ebuddy"

E Buddy is a free software you can download for chatting in your Mobile Phone. Ebuddy 1.4.1 Ebuddy is a new version of Ebuddy, beside for chatting, Ebuddy can also be used for Yahoo Messenger user, Gnail, msn, etc. Well, now you can download this software in http://get.ebuddy.com/

Clearing Ads on Facebook

Are you feel uncomfortable with the advertisement on your facebook profile?. Well, if you feel uncomfortable with those ads, I have a trick to get them out from your facebook profile but before you practice this trick, please make sure that you use Mozila firefox or Wyzo that have been installed with add-ons stylish, well, here are some steps to clear the advertisement on your facebook profile:

- Once more, please make sure that you have installed add-ons stylish, click here if you haven't installed it yet
- Login to facebook ---> Profile

- Then copy CSS code bellow:
@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);
@-moz-document domain("facebook.com") {

/* Clear The Ads By Febby */

#sidebar_ads {visibility:hidden!important;}

- After the step above has been completed, you must click add-ons stylish at lower right corner, it is like dolar icon "S" letter. See the picture bellow:

- Select Write new style > Blank Style... (See the picture)

- In name option, type "Clear The Ads" or type your own words or sentence, that's OK. The important one you should paste the CSS code above bellow "Clear The Ads", then click save.

Smiley Code or Emoticon For Facebook Chat

Usually when we are chatting by using Yahoo Messenger, we are able to use more expressive smiley icon or emoticon to express our feeling. In Yahoo Messenger all of those click able expressive smiley icon or emoticon has been available for chatters, so we don't need to type the smiley code, different with facebook chat, those smiley icon are not available in facebook, so we should type the code smiley or emoticon manually to express our idea and feeling when we are chatting, well here are some smiley code icon for facebook chat: