How to install Yahoo! Messenger in facebook?

Do you want to install Yahoo Messenger in your facebook profile? Installing Yahoo Messenger in your facebook profile enable you to easier to communicate to your friends. This yahoo messenger are funny icons. You should try it now…^_^
Before we install Yahoo! Messenger in facebook, we must prepare URL Yahoo Messenger status first

1. URL yahoo! Messenger status format:
<img src="" border="0"/>
2. Next step, change “YourID” with your yahoo ID
Example : Febby_elnino
<img src=" Febby_elnino &m=g&t=StyleID" border="0"/>
3. Style ID is icon that will appear in your facebook profile.
See the example of Style ID, bellow:
For example, I choose hat (Number 9)Yahoo Messenger icon status, so the url format will be like this:
<img src="" border="0"/>
Here is the result:
4. Next step “How to install Yahoo! Messenger status on facebook?” to do this you should:
5. Copy url format you have created, then paste it in the text box
6. Then, give a check to “Add to Code Library” and click “Submit”
7. To submit it on facebok profile, just click add to profile.
Here is the example:

How to make a private wall post on facebook?

Well, this article will discus How to make a private wall post on facebook?. As everybody knows that when we write a wall post in facebook it will appear in someone else news feed right? Now, it’s the time how to make it private to someone else news feed.

Here are some steps you should follow:
  1. log in to your facebook account
  2. Then, visit this Url -->
  3. After you have visited that Url above, please give uncheck to all option available
  4. Click “Save change”
  5. Bingo….your wall post willn’t appear anymore in your friends news feed

Free Download Facebook Desktop Manager

Fizzboost is one of popular Facebook Desktop Manager at this time. The function of fizzboost is nearly the same as fbQuick. This facebook desktop manager can be download freely in this facebook blog.

Some factor of facebook account is blocked

Have your facebook been blocked? Why? Well, this article will explain you about some factor of “Why facebook block your account”?
There are two factors that make your facebook is account being blocked:

1. External factor

There are some reason why your facebook being blocked:
  1. Maybe in some office or university block facebook network
  2. maybe your account has been hacked by someone else.
2. Internal factor:
  1. Maybe facebook user too many add friend into facebook in a day. You should know that there is a limitation of adding friend a day.
  2. Too much sending or posting link so that this attitude regard as spam either you post a link in wall, message, group or when you are chatting.
  3. Maybe link or message you write including racism, porn, etc. For example you post or send a link “”.
  4. Too much poke someone else.
  5. Copy and paste the writing from copyrighted source.
  6. Use alias name
  7. Maybe your age under 18 years old.
  8. Advertise facebook application in someone else wall.
  9. Too much participating or joining group in facebook.
  10. Use uncommon photo use, like porn.
Well I think that’s all tips I can share to you, keep an eye about those items before your account be banned.

How to make the upside down letters?

What an upside down letters? Have you ever seen the upside down letters on facebook? Well, here is the example of upside down letters “opןɐuoɹ ouɐıʇsıɹɔ" (Cristiano Ronaldo) wow…that’s cool…!!!
Do you want to know how to create upside down letters? Well here we go..

1. Visit this Url bellow:
2. Create your writing you want to make upside down, after you have wrote the word or sentence It will be automatically created and will appear in the bellow of your writing you have been typed.
3. Copy that upside down letters, then paste in your facebook

This upside down letters can be used for your facebook status, comment, or even when you chat with someone else.
Keep a nice try…!!!

Create "Become a Fan" Page on Facebook

Become a fan page is a page that allow other people to be a fan of you, public figure, organization, Band, etc. You can create your own band, area, even organization page, etc. To make a "Become a fan" page is not so complicated, just follow these steps bellow:

1. On your facebook page, Find and click "Advertising" at the bottom of your page, see the picture bellow:

2. On the "Advertising page" then Click "Page", see the picture bellow:

3. Then click "Create a Page"

4. After you have clicked "Create a Page" Now fill in the box available with your own category, see the sample picture bellow:

5. Fill the name with your own category, for example I choose Writer category, so I type my own name on name box available (Recommended to type your full name on facebook ), let's see the sample picture bellow:

6. Next step, give a check to "I am authorized to...." and fill the "electronic signature box" with your full name then click "Create Page"
7. Once you have click "Create Page" it's means that your page has been created, your job just to upload your photo and edit your profile (it's the same as when you upload and edit your facebook profile at the first time you register to facebook) and here is the screen shoot of my "Become a fan" page.

7. Next step is publish your page (Optional)

Change facebook Layout

Yesterday, my friend ask to me "How to Change Facebook Layout" and "How to fix the problem of duplicate or overlap layout" that's using add-ons stylish from firefox.
Here is the illustration:
He use "Emo" layout and change "Emo" to "Punk" layout, but the problem is his facebook layout be disordered.
Well, for the first case I'll explain you "Why the layout be disordered"-->It may be caused by two active layout

How to recognize whether facebook layout overlap or not?

that's so simple, just click "add-ons stylish" icon and take an eye to Facebook Layout, if all of your facebook layout has a check it means that your two of your layout still active so that it caused overlap layout.

Now, how to fix the problem?
That's so simple, you just need to deactivate one of your facebook layoutt by removing the check.

Facebook hack tool "Keylogger"

Keylogger is a software that's used to steal username and password, keylogger is not only used to steal facebook username and pasword, it can be used to steal anything which use username and password, like blogger, friendster and etc.

Keylogger work by monitoring the keyboard, every keypad or button typed by user will be recorded and be saved in keylogger, that's cool right?
To activate this hacking software you just need to install this software on computer.

Facebook Hack "Facebook Freezer"

Facebook Freezer is one of free software for hacking facebook. This applications work is by freeze the target email address. this application is so simple so that it's easy for use. Here is Facebook Freeze screen shoot

The use of Facebook Freezer is so simple, you just put target email address on "Facebook freezer", then click "Freeze" and wait until the freeze complete 100%, to cancel the freeze just click "Stop Freezing"

To Download Facebook Freezer please click here

Free Download Facebook Mobile Application

Today, I'll share you some Facebook Mobile Application that might be more useful for you, it's free:

1. Facebook Mobile Application versi 1.0

Download adress

2. Facebook Mobile Application versi 2.0 (Just available for Apple and Iphone)

Download address

Free Download Facebook Chat Application

This application is different with other facebook chat application, the superiority of this application, user don't need to open web browse.
To download this Free Facebook Chat Application, Click here

Free SMS on Facebook (ChatSMS)

This free sms (short message) on facebook is the same as free sms on friendster used to, this free SMS (Short Message) application name is ChatSMS that is made by

To add this application on facebook, see the instruction bellow:
1. Login to Facebook
2. Open this Link
3. Click "Alow"

4. Add this application to your profile by clicking "Add to profile" button

5. After you have added this application to your profile, then click "Keep"
6. Change the country code from Singapura to Indonesia (You can Change the country code with your own country code)
7. Add the phone number recipient.
8. Create your message and then click "Send Message"

Clasifying friends into Friend list

Make a friend list make us easier to classify friends in facebook whether they are our schoolmates, classmates or even partner. Friend list also make us easier to classify online or offline status so that we don't confuse with our friends (if you add unknown friends).
To create a friend list you should follow these steps bellow:
1. Go to friend page

2. Please select friends you want to add, see the sample bellow:

* If you haven't created friend list, please create friend list first
3. Include/add your friends to friend to friend list

Suscribe friend's status via email

Recently, facebook has launched new feature "Subscribe via email" by this feature, user don't need to sign in to facebook to know friend's update status. This new feature will send you "Friend's status" via short message and facebook user also be able to comment via message sent by facebook, or even user also be able to subscribe other people, for example you can subscribe someone you admire (fans page).
How to activate this feature? see the example bellow:

To activate this feature just click "Subscribe via SMS"
If you have mobile facebook that has been activated for your mobile, you will receive facebook message after you have confirm "Subscribe via SMS" . But if you haven't registered yet for mobile facebook, you will be directed to some steps to activate this feature before you receive the message. Facebook doesn't take any cost for this feature, it depend on your cellular provider.

Setting language on facebook

Face a problem in English, don't worry you can change language on facebook, follow these instructions bellow:
1. On your main page, go to "Setting"
2. Scroll down and click "Account setting"
3. Choose "Language"

4. Set your "primary language"

Hiding birthdate or age on facebook

- Go on "Profile page"
- Click tab "info"

- Scroll down and select "Basic Information"
- Click "Edit information"
- Still on basic information tab, you can choose "Show only day and month on my profile" or "Don't show my birthday in my profile"

- Then click "Finish Editing" and " "Save change", that's so simple right?

Facebook Proxy

Nowadays facebook has been main requirement in daily life, almost everyone either open facebook in office or in campus so that not so little facebook network has been blocked in office, campus or other places.
Although facebook network has been blocked in your office, campus or another places please don't be confuse because I have a trick to handle it. Here are some proxy you should try to get your facebook network back:

Filtering facebook notification on email

So many facebook notification on email is like rubbish full of unimportant email notification and clearing hundreds unimportant email everyday, oh god...that makes me shock with stupid activities clearing and clearing hundreds and even thousands incoming unimportant email in a week and the last I consider to filter facebook notification on my email.
Well, if you feel shock too with facebook notification on your email and if you want to filtering those notification, here are some simple steps for you to filter facebook notification on your email:
- On your facebook, Go to "Setting"-->"Account setting"

- Then click "Notification" button
- Scroll down and please select your own notification setting, you can also turn off all facebook email notification see the example bellow:
- The last, click "Save change" button

Create an event on facebook

Even is like an announcement on facebook, like; party, contest and another event. We don't need to send card invitation to other people, that's so complicated, just create an event and share it on facebook that's so simple right?
To create an event on facebook, just follow simple instructions bellow:
- On your facebook profile, scroll down and find an "event" button

- Click and event button and fill the box available, see the example bellow:
- After you have filled the box, click "Share button"

Once you create an event, it will be ready to published

Hiding email on facebook

Hiding email on your facebook is the best way to protect your facebook from hacker, this is a privacy contact of your facebook. To hide your email on facebook, just see the simple instruction bellow:
- On your facebook main page, Go to setting
- Scroll down, then click"Privacy setting"
- On your facebook privacy overview, click "profile"
- After that, click "contact information"
- Next step, scroll down and find your email adress
- Change privacy setting to be "No one"
- The last step, click "Save change"

Protect your facebook from hacker

There are so many issues of facebook hacking nowadays, this issues the same as "Frienster hack".
To protect your facebook to be hacked by someone, you should read the tips bellow:
- Hide your email address on facebook
- Don't forget to clear your private data when you sign out
- Clearing browsing history

- Hacker use an email address to hack facebook, this hack called "facebook freezer" so that your email address can be opened or in the other hand your account has been frozen.

Read also:
- How to hide email address from facebook

Change Facebook Username

There are so many facebook user has change their name, they change their name to be more colorful or more beautiful than their name before,for example Name "Clarra" to be changed "Clarra Luph Kamuh" that's really so different than before..yeah..that's as an effect of facebook.

Well, to change your facebook user name, just follow these simple instruction bellow:
- On your facebook home page, go to "setting" and then choose "Account setting".
- Scroll down and find "Name" see the picture bellow:

- Type the name you desire on the box available, example "Febby Erdexon"
- and then click "Change", see the picture bellow:

- The last step is click "Change Name"
- Finish

Note: This will take effect maximum 24hours to change your name confirmation

Create a group on facebook

A group is one of facebook feature, facebook enable us to connect and share everything to other people, like a group as an example. A group is able to connect people like a forum, everyone is able to create a group based on their own category. well, here are some steps to create a group on facebook:

-On the facebook page, go to setting--> application setting
- Scroll down, and find "Group", or just click here
- Now you are login to "create a group", and please fill the form required bellow:

Step 1

-Group Name
-Description (Your group description)
-Group Type (e.g. music, business, common interest, etc) --> Required
-Recent News (Your group news)


- Then click "Create Group"

Step 2

- Upload Picture : Don't forget to give a check in the check box, max photo upload 4mb
- Website (Optional)
- Options (You can set the group option by your own choice)
- Access: You can choose whether you group as mention bellow:

*This group is open (Anyone could join this group)
*This group is closed (The content of the group can't be accessed by non-member)
*This group is secret

- Then Click Save

Step 3
- After you have click "Save" button, facebook will automatically redirect you to invitation page.

- The last, Click "Group Name" and view page group that has been created, easy right?

Blocking people on facebook

Facebook enable us to blog people on facebook, this feature can be useful if we want to be invisible from someone.To do this, follow these simple steps bellow:
- On your facebook...go to setting
- Click privacy setting
- Still on your privacy setting tab, Scroll Down and find "Block people". see the picture bellow

- In the box available type the name of people you want to block and the result will be like the picture bellow.

- Choose someone you want to block, then click "Block" button
After you have blocked someone on your facebook, he/she will not be able to find you, except he/she change the facebook user name.

Customizing Facebook Layout

There are two ways to customize facebook layout:

1. The first way by using service (for firefox)
To to this was, you should follow these steps bellow:
- Download ads-on mozilla
- Click "add to firefox" installation and restart mozilla
- Then choose facebook style here
- Click "Load into stylish"
- The last, save and refresh or reload your facebook page

Note: This layout will work on your computer if you have installed ads on stylish

2. The second way by using service

To do this facebook customization, just follow these steps bellow:
- Visit or just Click here
- Then, install Add-ons dan restart mozila
- Put PageRage application on your facebook
- And the, choose facebook layout you want
- Reload your facebook page or go to your profile
- Finish

This facebook layout application will work if you have installed pagerage and also add-ons yantoo

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